Sunday, August 5, 2007

It's Too Hot to Cook

Can I get an amen on that? It's been over ninety degrees for most of this week, with intermittent rainstorms that practically sizzle when they hit the asphalt and do nothing but add to the humidity. I spent the entire weekend sitting on the couch and panting like a dog. (And reading Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising series. Man, I miss Harry Potter.)

However, salvation can be found in the fibrous folds of my friend the mango.

Mango and Avocado Salad.

The salad part:
1 mango, cut into chunks
1 avocado, cut into chunks

Salad dressing:

Confession: I suck at salad dressing. I am not one of those people who makes salad every night. Or, you know, ever. I don't really know the proportions, since I just have to taste and adjust and taste and adjust because I have no idea what I'm doing.

juice of half a lime
1/2 tsp. cumin powder
1/4 tsp. salt
shake of cayenne pepper

Mix ingredients in a bowl and get your whisk ready. Pour a thin stream of oil into the bowl, whisking all the time until the mixture emulsifies. (Which means that the acid is broken into enough tiny globules so they'll stay suspended in the oil and it won't separate. In case you were wondering.)

Pour over avocados and stir gently to mix. Refrigerate to let the flavors blend.


Anonymous said...

Who is Rathead? Where do you get your nice pictures? Except that picture has strawberries as well! The best hot weather "food" is a peach smoothie. Add to the blender: 2 peaches, washed, pitted and cut up; 1 pkg yoghurt (either peach, strawberry, or plain); 1 banana, 1 oz peach liquor (optional). Fill with ice cubes and blend! Really cold! Themom.

Rathead said...

It doesn't have strawberries. Those are genetically engineered grape tomatoes.

Hey, Mrs. Rathead, can you email me the recipe for a peach smash?